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New Beginnings

Nate Gernert

About a month and a half ago the Lord blessed our family with the arrival of our baby boy Timothy Cole. Needless to say his big sister is completely obsessed with him and will not let him have any personal space. We are praying that her love for her little brother last a lifetime. We are just thankful that he is happy and healthy. Watching this little guy grow up and take in everything around him has made me think about new beginnings. There is so much for this little guy to learn. He looks around in wonder and awe as he takes in his new surroundings. It is amazing to look into his eyes as he tries to figure out what even the most basic this are. I have also noticed that his eyes are always being drawn to any source of light.

This makes me think of our new life in Christ when we invite him into our lives to turn it up-side-down. 2 Corinthians 5:17 says, "...those who become Christians become new persons. They are not the same anymore, for the old life is gone. A new life has begun!" The King James says, "...old things are passed away; behold, ALL things are become new." When we begin our new life in Christ everything is made new. We are like newborn children who should look for every opportunity to learn about our new surroundings and the work that Christ is doing in our lives. James McDonald sums up salvation in this way. "Salvation launches for you personally at the moment of your repentance and faith. Salvation then continues through life as God sanctifies you bit by bit, conforming you to the likeness of His Son. Then salvation culminates when God brings this earth age to a close with His glorious return and transforms each of His saints in totality." There is a constant growing process here and the Lord is constantly transforming us into His likeness. There is so much to take in and learn along the way. One thing is for certain, this new beginning has to start with repentance. McDonald goes on to define repentance as "detecting and destroying the rationalization that led to me checking the sinful choice box in the first place."

I trust that you have made the choice to follow Christ and allow Him to invade your life and change it for the better. If not, now is the time to begin this new life in Christ. I also pray that your eyes are always drawn to the ultimate source of light as you grow in Christ.

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